Brain, Heart Matters: Visualization is a Key to Success

Visualization is a key to success. You need a good functioning brain to make it happen. Kacy Catanzaro, the first woman to reach the finals of the American Ninja Warrior shares, in this article, how she “visualizes ” a successful outcome. She did the hard work preparing and it was inspiring to watch her make it through physical challenge after physical challenge to successfully complete the course and win! When you hold the successful image of all the steps you need to take to be successful today, whether it’s parenting, cooking, a goal at work, or training for athletic events, that image results in tiny muscle movements in the left and right basal ganglia in your brain.

My book “This is Your Brain on Joy” has an entire chapter on the left and right basal ganglia and how to help it. Visualization is where your brain and body connect, and so your body is “acting as if ” you are doing that successful task. The same is true with destructive images and how it influences the brain. If you visualize a lustful image in that moment of fantasy your entire body is being influenced by that lust fantasy. That is why Christ says in Matthew 5:28 “But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” The rehearsal of that lust fantasy in your heart is the precursor to living it out. When you visualize or fantasize about loving your spouse or desiring your spouse you are training your body to respond positively to your spouse. It is part of keeping desire or love alive. Enjoy reading Kacy Catanzaro’s story in the following article.….

Watch her performance and as you watch it remember the training, and the time she spent visualizing herself as a success.…

Several steps to take:

  1. If it is hard to visualize yourself as being successful whether it is golfing, a career goal, being the best parent or spouse, or you find yourself struggling with an self destructive visualization such as an addiction to porn, drugs, alcohol, etc. Call my office and arrange a consultation with myself or one of the brain friendly professionals we have at Henslin & Associates. Call us at 714.256.2807 or email me at
  2. Learn about your brain! To successful visualize a positive outcome you need a full functioning and balanced brain. It is hard to visualize a successful outcome, focus on the task or goal at hand if your frontal cortex, basal ganglia ( i.e. anxiety) and cingulate ( i.e. gear shifter ) in the brain are not working right. Get a copy on your kindle “This is Your Brain on Joy”.
  3. You can take a free online test from my friend Dr. Daniel Amen, and you will receive a free report that details the supplements you can take to help your brain. If you choose to try the supplements use my discount code ” ecenter5″ to receive a 15% discount.
  4. If you are interested in a SPECT Concentration Study to “take a look ” at your brain to discover what you need to help your brain. Contact my office manager Pam Inman to arrange a consultation to evaluate and make a referral for a SPECT Concentration Study. You can contact Pam at 714.256.2807.


Earl R Henslin, Psy.D, B.C.E.T.S.
Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress
Diplomate in the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
Clinician/Brain Health Coach/Executive Coach/Author/ Speaker


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