Proven to Improve Your Quality of Life

In the video below, Dr. Henslin and Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD discuss the scientific studies and brain benefits using FOCUS.

We’ve all heard the term, but what exactly is quality of life and why is it essential for your short- and long-term health?

From the standpoint of health, your quality of life is determined and influenced by an umbrella of factors, like cognitive function, routine sleep patterns, emotional balance, and the levels of stress you live with on a daily basis.

To test FOCUS’ positive effect on quality of life, our Chief Medical Advisor conducted a 121-participant study over the course of a three-month span that statistically concluded taking FOCUS hemp extract on a daily basis contributes to better quality of life, improves perceived stress levels by upwards of 75 percent, and enhances optimal sleep-wake patterns.

“The purpose behind this study is to prove the effectiveness of FOCUS, but also, with the hemp space getting crowded, it’s important to have product differentiation instead of trying to guess what’s better based on ideas and assumptions. With data on how people actually respond to FOCUS it gives us a way of standardizing our outcomes and really sets a precedent for how hemp and specific hemp formulas have true wellness effects on the body.” 

Dr. Cheng Ruan, PMB Chief Medical Advisor

Join PMB Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Cheng Ruan, as he hosts Dr. Earl Henslin, a reputable and well-known psychotherapist who has worked closely with Dr. Daniel Amen using SPECT scans on assessing the brain. Together, they dive into the data collected from our FOCUS studies, and for anybody who loves science or appreciates research, this is a conversation you will not want to miss!

FOCUS is truly a life-changing product, and we encourage you to dive into the data to see first-hand how FOCUS can dramatically help to increase your quality of life!

FOCUS has not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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